Fells Point, Baltimore, Maryland Wedding

Jamie + Jaime

A few sneak peeks from last weeks wedding in Baltimore, Maryland (Or Marryland as I like to call it hahaha #Icrackmyselfup)  This wedding was a special one and one near and dear to my sentimental heart!  I have known Jamie + Jaime (Yep they are both named Jaimie) for about 17 years!  I met Jaime W my first year of Art School at WVU and shes been one of my best friends ever since.  I met Jamie M soon after on one of our many trips to Baltimore!  I can not tell you how amazing or welcoming both of their families are!  From day one they take you in and feel like a part of them!

J + J started dating almost 14 years ago, so all their family and friends have waited a long time to see them walk down the aisle together and get married!

Jaime Wachter – Star Wars Nerd – gave out custom lightsabers to her bridespeople

Jamie Miller – gave out the cutest little box full of wedding day essentials – but the coolest most thoughtful one – was she gave everyone a hair piece made from pieces that were cut off her dress when it was shortened!  Insert heart meltttttt.

I’ve photographed weddings for a bunch of their friends and family, including them -there was 6 that I got to see that night!


And of course I have to share some of our Berlee Booth Photos from their wedding too!  They are always so much fun to look through after the weddings hahahaha <3


Photography- Amberlee Christey Photography  amberlee@amberleechristey.com

Hair & Makeup – Vintage Veils

Photobooth – Berlee Booths

Suit – Bindle & Keep

DJ – Kevin Dyels

Flowers  – Barb Wachter

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